Friday, January 28, 2011

A walk down memory lane...

Today me, the boys, Mom, and Catalina took an afternoon outing to Siloam Springs. We played at the local park for about an hour and the weather was just perfect--60s! Then we walked toward Main Street and I just had to take pics of some very special places for me! The first one is of what used to be Vintage Inn restaurant. This is where my dear husband and I ate dinner on the night he asked me to marry him (about 11 years ago)! Then we walked across the street and onto the bridge where Phillip promptly knelt down on one knee, produced a ring, and asked me to marry him. I remember it all so clearly! :) The third pic is a shot from the bridge. Anyway, we had a good time this afternoon even though the kids were unusually whiney. :-/ We also stopped by the old Hico cemetery and found the grave of my great, great, great grandfather on my mom's mother's side--John William Daniels (need to recheck that). Fun afternoon!

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