Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Wonderland Village

Tonight we went to see a miniature winter village at First Assembly of God. A local family partnered with the church to set up their collection of houses, etc. We found out they have collected the miniatures for about 20 years! It was SO cool! I had no expectations about it all, but as soon as we walked in and saw the train going, we were all instantly enthralled. The kids (Cat went too with Grandma and PaPa) LOVED it!! Especially the train! Daniel didn't want to leave. It was very special. I think I may have found a new thing to collect! :) They also had a pretty Christmas tree and a nativity set displayed, and they had cookies and hot cider...all for free! They were taking donations for a food pantry that the church is involved in, so we gave a little bit. Anyway, I'd definitely recommend it. We will probably go again before the season is over. Oh and I think they said it took about 2 months to set everything up!

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