Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas train

We had Amber Dickey take a photo shoot of our family today. First family photo since Gid was born! We went to Shiloh Museum in Springdale, and took pics in several different spots on their grounds. Very cool place to get them taken! Speaking of cool, it was COLD outside! Made Gideon uncooperative and fussy. :-/ Hoping we got a couple goods ones anyway. After the shoot, we went to ride the AR/MO Railroad's annual kids Christmas train. It was Daniel's first time to ride a real train! It was packed too! The ride was about 45 minutes and the scenery wasn't pretty at all. Mainly passed warehouses and construction sites (Daniel enjoyed seeing the diggers). A lady who couldn't carry a tune led us all in singing several Christmas songs, and to top it off Santa came through and talked with the passengers. We had fun although I don't think we will try taking Gid again until he's older!

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