Saturday, August 21, 2010

Afternoon trip to Fort Smith

> Well, our trip to the Trolley "museum" was not quite what I was expecting! But it was still fun. The museum was really just a huge garage where volunteers work on restoring old trolleys from the 1920s that were used as the main source of transportation at that time. There was no a/c at the museum or on the trolley ride we took, and it was HOT (felt like 107). We didn't end up having to pay for the trolley ride, because one of the volunteers paid for us. I have no idea why, but he was very nice! There was also a huge steam train on the grounds that Daniel really enjoyed. And we found another place that had an outside (did I mention it was hot?) carousel which we rode twice. Oh, and I almost forgot! Daniel LOVED the tunnel experience on the way to and back from Ft. Smith!

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